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Judge: Messages of Support Touching
Monday, 11th Apr 2016 12:00

Brentford and Ireland winger Alan Judge has tweeted his thanks for the messages of support he has received from throughout football since suffering a broken leg during the early stages of the Bees’ 3-1 victory over the Blues at Portman Road on Saturday.

"First of all I would like to thank everyone for their messages of support from the Bees fans, players I have an have not played with and from fans of other clubs around the country,” wrote the 27-year-old, who will now miss out on a place in the Irish squad at Euro 2016.

"It has been very touching to me and my family. This is football and things like this happen; that's life.

"I will be back stronger and much better than I have been before. I will achieve my dream one way or the other. Nothing will hold me back.”

Meanwhile, his Bees’ team-mate Alan McCormack says that as a result of Judge’s injury, the visitors’ dressing room was subdued after the match, despite having achieved the club’s first ever win away against Town.

“You don't want to see anyone injured. You want to rewind the clock and go back. People are going to get injured in tackles or take a broken nose for the team,” he told GetWestLondon.

“It's what you do to get three points. I'm sure Judgey is delighted with the result but devastated with the news.

“The dressing room after was a very quiet atmosphere considering we've won 3-1 away at Ipswich.

“We all feel for Judgey. Football can be a cruel game. We wish him all the best. Hopefully we'll see him on the pitch soon.”

McCormack admits he and his team-mates were less than happy with Luke Hyam for the tackle which led to Judge’s injury and weren’t disappointed to see him dismissed after he picked up a second yellow card for retaliating following a Ryan Woods tackle just before half-time.

He added: “I wasn't too impressed with it. I had a behind view so I haven't fully seen it. I think it was the force of the challenge and the way he has come in.

“You know what's happening and you could hear a lot of things happening in it. It was a bad one.”

“Everyone was very annoyed with the player. I wouldn't want to say justice was done with him being sent off as you don't want players sent off but our players could have got into trouble as they wanted to look after Judgey and make sure that it's not forgotten.

“He'll hold his hands up to say he didn't mean to. I'm not saying revenge is sweet but it might be for the best he wasn't on the pitch too much longer.”

Photo: Action Images

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blueboy1981 added 18:52 - Apr 11
Elto ........ was always going to simmer after such a terrible injury. Therefore Hyam shouldn't have been on the pitch - grose error of judgement by the Manager in keeping Hyam on.

If that kind of tackle, and subsequent injury, to one of your team mates hadn't wound you up - you're not human.

Call me pompous - I won't lower myself to do likewise of yourself. But I could, quiet easily, an correctly.
You are obviously another who continuously looks for excuses for the current debacle named Portman Road - just don't expect everyone to be so PATHETIC - and in complete denial of everything.

Unfortunately ITFC has far too many 'happy chappies' who for whatever reason (and I have my views) will, and continue to be, focused on nothing but EXCUSES - and therefore expect NOTHING other than what's served up.

Keep up the good work in your HAPPINESS - and work hard on the EXCUSES. It obviously suits you.


BlueMachines added 18:59 - Apr 11
He wasn't wearing shin pads. Whether that was law breaking or not doesn't change the fact.

blueboy1981 added 19:00 - Apr 11
....... in the meantime, I wish Alan Judge, and his young family, all the very best for a full and speedy recovery.

As long as I live - I will leave the condoning of such a tackle to those inhuman enough to do so.

Never, ever, have I, or will I, be part of such covering up - I hope I never see the like of it at Portman Road again.


HackneyBlue added 19:07 - Apr 11
100% RED ,sod where the ball is its the intent which was excessive,Ref got it wrong and knew it.The bigger idiot was MM for not removing the man before he got sent off--pure disbelief.

Dissboyitfc added 19:24 - Apr 11
Blueboy... how can you suggest that someone like my self that doesnt want to slate Hyam,s tackle as not a true supporter? i am coming up to 45 years as a town supporter. Come on mate, thats a silly statement. In 45 years i have seen many tackles that are far worse than that. In fact i saw one much worse on saturday, woods on Hyam! I would feel ashamed of any player that goes above knee height studs first, what woods did was a shocker of a tackle. I dont expect that on the brentford forums they are disowning woods or questioning the loyalty of fans ok with woods attempt to take Hyam out of the game.

I have in the main always shared your views on many things but on this occasion i do not share your views and i do not share the view that i am any lesser a supporter because i view a tackle differently.

blueboy1981 added 19:27 - Apr 11
Dissboyitfc .............. ??????? - non so strange .............

Cakeman added 19:27 - Apr 11
Interesting mix of responses.
Protect 'one of our own' yes but how can a tackle like he made be defended?
From where I sat it looked dreadful. I am sure Hyam would not want to do damage to another professional but in the cold light of day I cannot understand why anyone would think his challenge was acceptable.
If it happened against us I am sure all of those currently defending Hyam would be up in arms!


Dissboyitfc added 19:34 - Apr 11
as i said earlier i would feel no different if the challenge was the other way around!

Elto added 19:54 - Apr 11
I think you may be insane and suggest you seek help.

blueboy1981 added 20:19 - Apr 11
Elto ........ advice - cut the abuse. Says much about you.

New breed of support - hey ? - certainly not ITFC Pedigree.

blueboy1981 added 20:21 - Apr 11
Cakeman ....... absolutely ..... of course they would. No question about it.

blueboy1981 added 20:34 - Apr 11
Dissboyitfc ......... sorry mate, but proud to totally disagree with you.

The fact you 'have seen worse' doesn't make it right. It was DIABOLICAL - and only a Manager who went thro' most players, instead of anything else, would condone such and see nothing wrong with it.

I am genuinely amazed you see it the way you do, which is condoning it to some degree.
I too have followed ITFC for 50+ years and hate the thought that 'that is us' - and what we may well have become.

With Hyam still on the pitch - come on - it was 'going' to happen at some point. Red rag to the Bull may I suggest.

Many purist's will not forget that for a very long time. Sad day I'm afraid.

One thing about our views is we can debate, without the need for abuse. Certain individuals take note.

Elto added 21:43 - Apr 11
Pathetic, not a real supporter, happy chappie - you seem happy to hand it out. I don't need your advice, thanks.
Enjoy the rest of your evening.

Dissboyitfc added 07:11 - Apr 12
Blueboy... sorry mate i am proud to disagree with you.. its seems you condone the retaliation towards Hyam saying it was inevitable and not once have you shown any disgust towards that treatment by brentford towards Hyam! I would still like to know how you compare the woods tackle studs first into Hyam, a real intent to hurt someone? some of their players didnt even see the tackle but still went looking for hyam. I am pleased that the town players didnt sink as low as to go looking for woods! Shows me that for all the things far from good at portman road that itfc are not a dirty side.

Football is a physical game and sadly players will from time to time get injured. We all talk about the Robson/ Ramsey years but we had another good spell of good football under the late John Lyle. When we won promotion in 92 one of the first signing he made was a certain Geraint williams, not a great footballer but a no nonsense tough tackling midfielder and like Hyam not a dirty player but very firm in the challenge, you need some steel in midfield.

I think we need to bring this to an end now, we dont agree and i have stated my side as to why i dont agree.

However blueboy, one thing i am proud to agree with you is when opinions differ then is no need for name calling. Have a good day my friend. Everyone have a good day!


phillo added 10:05 - Apr 12
wherescounaga - we have a £1.5m player if todays papers are to believed .... he's called Andre Dozzell but apparently Mick doesn't seem to rate hm as highly as Liverpool, Arsenal, Tottenham etc do. Probably tries to play football on the ground rather than "getting his foot in".
How can Mick (& his supporters on here) bleat about no money to spend on £1m players when we have them already (according to papers as I say) .... so we don't need to ..... just play the youth instead of letting them go to Premiership clubs (Sam Ford) ..... its what we did in the "good old days" (Dozzell Senior, Kieron Dyer, Titus Bramble etc) .... didn't do too bad then did we?
Also wages bill has gone up by 25% in last 2 seasons ...... so money there but Mick is spending it on journeymen's wages !!!!
Not gonna lie have just about reached the end of my tether with it all!!!

bohslegend added 12:05 - Apr 12
two points:

Phillo - are you so naive to think Liverpool et al are signing young Dozzell to put him into their 1st team? No more than here at 16 years of age, he's not going to break into their 1st team squad never mind first 11 any time soon - as good as he is.

I find it amazing the double standards that some posters portray regularly. In this case, I find myself agreeing with Dissboy (possibly for the first time ever). How can anyone pretend to take the high moral ground on Hyam's tackle and then dismiss the retaliation of a number of opposition players with significantly more aggression and intent to do harm as inevitable? I am not a big fan of Hyam. He's a decent player but we do need better. For me the biggest disappointment (apart from seeing Judge so badly injured) was how Hyam proceeded to let the manager, his team mates and the fans down by needlessly getting a second yellow card before half time. Pure stupidity and downright unprofessional. His tackle on the other hand may well have been over-physical but I do not for one second think he went into that challenge to break the opponents leg. Anyone in Blue choosing to take that opinion has an agenda to support already and this fuels their anti-manager, anti-club sentiment.

Sundayleaguewarrior added 13:25 - Apr 12
Bluemachine - the assistant referees check every player leaving the dressing room to ensure they are wearing shinpads. He would not have been allowed on the field without them. And if you think a 2 mm piece of plastic is going prevent a broken bone when faced with the force of some one like Hyam sliding in at the pace that he did, in the manner he did you are gravely mistaken

Dissboyitfc added 14:00 - Apr 12
Bobslegend, although we hardly ever agree its seems we do on this one, there are people who will mark others down even when they agree (tit for tat) so respect to you for that. Have a good day !

Portman51 added 15:04 - Apr 12
All the best to Alan Judge and I hope he makes a full and speedy recovery.

Extract from FA advice to referees on interpretation of Law 12, Fouls and Misconduct:


“Careless” means that the player has shown a lack of attention or
consideration when making a challenge or that he acted without precaution.
• No further disciplinary sanction is needed if a foul is judged to be careless

“Reckless” means that the player has acted with complete disregard to the
danger to, or consequences for, his opponent.
• A player who plays in a reckless manner must be cautioned

“Using excessive force” means that the player has far exceeded the necessary
use of force and is in danger of injuring his opponent.
• A player who uses excessive force must be sent off

I wouldn't like to have to choose between the second and third categories with the benefit of one viewing, but I've watched it several times on the highlights and it looks like excessive force to me. Having said that, the challenge on Hyam himself was premeditated violent conduct and merited the same sanction.


blueboy1981 added 18:04 - Apr 12
....... some even trying to make a false, pathetic claim that Judge was not wearing shin pads - I just cannot believe how low some so called ITFC Supporters will stoop in order to condone and excuse.

I guess this proves once and for all that some of you will trawl, and find, an excuse for everything.

Now that is REALLY SAD. And equally proves how the general standards have slipped.

Please people, don't be so pathetic and disrespective of someone seriously injured, involving one of our players.

phillo added 19:20 - Apr 12
bohslegend you will notice I have ticked you up on your post because apart from the naughty little dig at the start (no I'm not that naive to think they are buying him for their first team now ..... my point was a general one about the direction we are travelling - in my view - by letting our youngsters go rather than giving them a chance here) I do agree with you re the tackle issue & Brentfords reaction. 😀

blueboy1981 added 19:22 - Apr 12
bohslegend ......... I don't think anyone believes that Hyam intended to break a leg with that tackle, and I must say I haven't seen any such claim - however, I may be wrong.

It was reckless and totally unnecessary, and always likely to cause the resulting damage.

That's the point I see most people trying to make, including myself.

Seasider added 22:55 - Apr 12
Notice that Mr Evans on here says "time is up for MM"

Wish you were our owner lol

blueboy1981 added 17:55 - Apr 13
Dissboyitfc ........ I haven't condoned the retrospective tackle on Hyam at all - I said it was to be expected.

After seeing one of your teammates have his leg horrendously broken and in such distress - HOW WOULD YOU FEEL ?? ....... I know how I would, and have.

If you have played the game yourself, I would be very surprised if you thought otherwise.

Of course, some will, and do condone everything that goes on at Portman Road - others, thankfully speak out for what's right and proper.

Dissboyitfc added 21:23 - Apr 13
Blueboy.. i have played the game myself and no matter what on this subject i totally disagree with everything you say. Some of the brentford players didnt even see the tackle but still went looking for him. Its a contact sport accidents( and that is what it was, an accident) will happen.

And as a true supporter of ipswich town i am stunned you are not totally appalled at the way Hyam was treated firstly by the Brentford player and secondly by some of the so called " true Supporters"

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