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Milne: Stick With Us
Monday, 11th Apr 2016 10:26

MD Ian Milne has urged wavering season ticket holders to stick with the Blues, despite Town now looking highly unlikely to repeat last season’s play-off finish. The early bird deadline for buying 2016/17 season tickets at the cheapest prices passes at midday today.

“We’re not in the relegation zone, we’re currently eighth and hopefully we’ll get higher,” Milne told BBC Radio Suffolk’s Life’s a Pitch prior to Saturday’s game against Brentford.

“I don’t think anything’s changed in many ways. Yes, we’d love to be in the top six, but we’re still a great football club with a great following.”

Town currently have just over 14,000 season ticket holders but with anecdotal evidence suggesting that a number of fans don’t plan to renew, many citing the style of play as much as results, that figure is likely to drop, perhaps as far the 12,000s, where sales were prior a boost provided by last season's success.

“That’s a pity, we’re still up there,” Milne added. “I understand what people say about it not being attractive football, but you can play attractive football and be in the relegation zone.

“It’s a very tough league, it’s gets tougher every year. We have to play to that, play to our strengths and keep the fight up.”

He dismisses suggestions that 2015/16 has been a wasted season: “Absolutely not, we have expanded the squad, the boys are still very confident, that’s where we want them to be and they’ve all worked extremely hard. Of course we’re feeling down, we’d love to be in the top six but it’s not over yet.”

He added: “Looking at just the players’ salary bill, it’s gone up 25 per cent over the last two seasons and 15 per cent over the last season, so that shows the expanding squad.

“We could say we’ve been unfortunate with some injuries, some key injuries, and it’s really good to see David McGoldrick and Teddy Bishop back and maybe they will give us that little bit of extra creativity that we need.”

Whether manager Mick McCarthy will be handed more cash for next season will be decided in the summer.

“The budget’s gone up and there’s going to be a discussion between Mick and Marcus in the summer about players and we need to wait for that,” the Blues MD continued.

“But I have no reason to think that he’s not going to continue to invest at or above the level he’s investing at the moment. There could be more money available, as there has been this season.”

Meanwhile, Milne says there has been no contact from Aston Villa regarding McCarthy, who remains second-favourite for the vacant manager’s job at the Premier League’s bottom side, behind ex-Leicester boss Nigel Pearson, with some bookies quoting a price as low as 5/2.

“Nothing at all, it’s just a lovely rumour for certain Aston Villa fans, I suspect,” Milne added.

“He’s here to stay, I saw him on Friday and we were talking about open days and pre-season and what have you.”"

Photo: Action Images

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finzha added 19:48 - Apr 11
I'm a supporter of mick however I've got to say there's no point in playing hoofball unless we're playing Murph. We just need a creative CM like Bru and Bishop to be starting every game and allowing us to play more attractive football like people want instead of Douglas and Hyam, who bring very little to the team IMO.

Surco72 added 20:00 - Apr 11
I really fear for the club at present the football has been dire for a number of years even if we did manage to scrape a playoff place last season due to Murphy over achieving .
The club and chairman seem so far away from a growing number of supporters and what they are saying , and I think more will cancel the season tickets as I did last summer after all the excited hype of wonder manager MM .
At Christmas my children asked not to go to Portman Road anymore as it was so dull so we have been going to the Harlequins games , high scoring and entertaining win , lose or draw and cheaper
With all the talk coming out of the club I see little to get myself or my family and a number of others back even if MM had money as the style will not change and I stated this when we were top of the league last year not just now when we are on a bad streak

cats_whiskers added 20:00 - Apr 11
When Fraser has not been playing in the team
It's been as exciting as watching 2 Snails race each other

As what quotes Milne comes out with this season, he always comes over as dreary and would send even an insomniac to sleep.

TimmyH added 20:06 - Apr 11
Do one Milne!...after the porkies you told the supporters at the beginning f the season.

TimmyH added 20:13 - Apr 11
Milne - says 'it's a very tough league' - personally I think it's competitive but I don't think it's tough even the top teams have had 'blips', look at now how Birmingham and Preston have failed to gain momentum and the amount of games we've ballsed up since the New Year, Milne is just making excuse after excuse, frkl w only deserve to be just above mid-table not 8th. Next year could well be tough with some BIG clubs coming down - stand by for excuses next season!

Westy added 20:24 - Apr 11
A plea from Ian Milne to renew but they haven't extended the Early Bird deadline as in previous Seasons ?

Wallop added 20:24 - Apr 11
After a couple of years of promise and a play off position, it is scary how quickly our club and team have regressed. The club are so out of touch with the fans and the community as a whole, it is laughable. The football is dire, the manager too stubborn for his own good, the club is a faceless, corporate shell and still they want more of our money. ITFC need to wake up, the next generation of fans are only going to get fewer and fewer in number. With the financial gulf to the premier league constantly growing, if we don't change soon we'll never go up again.

LordMamu added 20:57 - Apr 11
Hahaaaaa! Oh my Lord he is so deluded! I'm glad I cancelled my renewals - I've spent so much time and a lot of money following this club for almost 40 years but next season I'm watching Hastings United with the boy and he's delighted - local club and better standard of football (and I'm not joking) and much better value! I've spent hundreds of hours and thousands of pounds driving to games from the coast to watch this awful football and enough is enough! Mr Milne do a Q & A on this site and tell us why we should remain loyal.

CavendishBlue added 21:04 - Apr 11
It's with a very heavy heart that I didn't renew after 18.5 seasons.

My thoughts will always be with the team on matchday and I will support them for life.

Don't bother extending the deadline Milne.We're not fooled any longer.

VulpineBlue added 21:30 - Apr 11
After much thought I've stuck with you Mr Milne- or rather I've stuck with ITFC.
It's as much to do with the social thing as with the footy though. I'd miss the days and evenings in Ipswich, the pints and pizzas.
I've stuck with you Mr Milne, I've bought that pig in a poke. How about you sticking with us?
We fans are now clearly divided on what we think in the current situation (congratulations) with many choosing not to renew- they've had their loyalty tested to breaking point. I know that we are not Barcelona, but
is it too much to ask for attacking football?
Is it too much to ask for our cup runs to be taken seriously?
Is it too much to know what the real plans are for this club?
Are we just a write off against corporate tax?
If my love for this club is being abused for tax purposes then I'd be very, very angry.

finzha added 21:45 - Apr 11
VulpineBlue - well said, only person on this whole site I somewhat agree with

Cloddyseedbed added 21:47 - Apr 11
Well Mr MIlne after supporting the club since the 60's and a season ticket holder since the late 70's I will no longer help fund the way the club is run and how the team plays as I 100% do not agree with what is going on now. Many things have upset me this year, the standard of football for which we are supposed to be grateful. The team selections that have not been fair on the players who play badly and the players who play well. The contempt that the manager has for the supporters should they dare to question his judgement. The agricultural tackles that are flying in and condoned. The lack of addressing the area's of the team, that for some years have been weak and out of position players filling in. Simon Milton telling a fan to f*ck off and not being told to apologise by the club. The contempt shown to supporters and the FA in the FA cup competition. Entertainment, or lack of it at half time. The wage increases, hardly surprising and does not take a genius to work out why!! Coke 1 league appearance. Tabb 0 , Malarczyk 0, Yorweth 0, Clarke 0, Digby 0, Toure 3, Foley 5, Oar 1, Parr 3. It's just bl**dy extravagance of the highest order, having all them bl**dy players and not wanting to play them. Don't say they are for the future, we want players for the NOW! They are not good enough for where we want to get to. I don't want millions to be spent just get the right players in who are good enough to get in the team, or don't waste money on those who are not.
Saturdays game I was embarrassed to be a supporter, after the Hyam tackle. MM condoned it and berated their manager when he said it was a bad tackle. Everybody and his dog knew that Hyam should be taken off the field apart from 1 man. The team were in disarray before that tackle was made with players seemingly not knowing what to do or where they were playing, it was like the last few games Jewell was in charge.
Which brings me onto season tickets, that is the final straw, the club have seen fit to put them up. I would have had one had the price been held. What we as supporters have had to endure this season, one of the most expensive grounds to have a ticket in, the football has been awful and the reward for still going is to make us pay more and tell us to stick with them. I have missed a handful of games since the 60's but I will not go back until football returns to Portman Road and excitement. Portmouth was the eye opener for me this year, they have no money but played us off the pitch 2 times, the 2nd game having fielded a weaker team. Being poor does not excuse the standard or type of poor football to entertain your home fans, or indeed your away fans.
The usual bullsh*t will again be spouted during the summer with players coming and going but while this owner and management regime remain the entertainment value and quality will not change. A very p*ssed off season ticket holder who will not renew.

Garv added 22:26 - Apr 11
Mick has brainwashed Milne too!


Suffolk_n_Good added 22:45 - Apr 11
I'm afraid we gave our season tickets up last season, this season we have hand picked the games to attend, the last game we went to was the Rotherham game...... (Words fail me) we need such a squad overhaul it's frightening, we need a manager who has a passing game mentality, who signs young, exciting talent blended with experience (but not nearly retired!) we have to have serious investment from our ilusive owner. We are quickly becoming a "also ran" team.

The club is losing the next generation of fans, why would youngsters want to follow a average Championship team, when they see Premier League teams signing quality players, full stadiums etc.... The club seem to be completely unaware, surely bums on seats at lower prices is the model, get people in, don't keep fleecing the ones you currently have!

I was truly gobsmacked when the club decided to charge youngsters to be mascots!! My son no longer has Junior Blue membership. I'm struggling to keep him interested in ITFC, he recently said "will I ever see Ipswich in the Premier League?" All I could say was, "hopefully one day mate" I was ashamed to hear the situation with Simon Milton & the "swearing at a fan " incident. The club are losing touch with the very people they should cherish.

I can only hope change us around the corner, but alas having read Milne's statement I fear it is further was you than ever...... Sad times :(

Suffolk_n_Good added 22:47 - Apr 11
*further away than ever.....

BrettenhamBlue added 08:31 - Apr 12

We blew it last season and that's the closest we will get to Premier League Football in some time. It was the biggest double derby game EVER against Norwich and we messed it up (as usual). They then went on to win the play off final which was the ultimate humiliation. I said after the first leg that gunning for a draw in the first leg wasn't enough and we should have been more attack minded. Its looking increasingly likely that they will survive in the Premier League this season and benefit once again from all the privileges that brings. We have become the "poor neighbour" and that's shocking given the hopes and dreams that came with ME taking over the club.

We have had a really bad season this season. Goals scored is unbelievably inept and if it wasn't for outstanding goalkeeping we would be staring relegation in the face right now. Bialkowski's form has been unreal. Some of the saves he has produced have been world-class. Unbelievable goalkeeping. Our hoofball is beyond boring, lacks entertainment and like one other writer said here "It would be more interesting to watch 2 snails racing".

My nephew is now thinking of moving his allegiance to Norwich as they "play football. They're not boring hoofing it all the time". His younger brother, even though he's only 4, has been bought a Norwich kit so my brother and his wife (once staunt ITFC fans) have decided enough is enough. They don't want their sons to grow up supporting a team that's lower Championship level at BEST.

This club is losing its younger generation as no kid wants to support a team that's so dull. People at the club need to wake up and smell the coffee!!

RegencyBlue added 08:36 - Apr 12

You have summed up the situation perfectly.

Sad times indeed!

carlisleaway added 09:03 - Apr 12
Have to agree with the majority, I will renew my 2 season tickets. But this is not to say I support McCarthy and his boring style of play and negative tactics. I support the badge and will still be here many years after MM has gone.
Surely the club can see it is losing many season ticket holders and youngsters coming to there first games, saying this is not football but kick and rush.
McCarthy had bought in this group of players and has said he does not need any more money, enough said start looking for a new manager for next season Marcus and at the same time if you want to see a return on your money, throw more money at the incoming manager and let us see a 5 year plan. Otherwise more fans will disappear and we will be only one way.
We only ask for entertainment, supply this with a top 6 position and you will get the fans back.

Razor added 10:51 - Apr 12
I can see where this is going-----so it will be the supporters fault when we dont renew for the mis management of this great football club and its inevitable demise.

New owner, who actually cares and invests,together with new manager required asap.

leahcar88 added 11:15 - Apr 12
Meant to up your comment vulpine

Spirit_of_78 added 12:53 - Apr 12
sheptonmalletblue "pathetic" is cutting your nose off to spite your face and if your a true blue (as it says in your username) thats what you'd be doing, by not going to support your club every other week, if we all took the same attitude as a lot on here nobody would be turning up to watch and what would happen then? get in touch with the real world we're lucky to be where we are given we're broke, wake up all of you! nobody told you money doesn't grow on tree's? you think there's a queue of investors waiting in the wings to suddenly make us great again? sadly not, but i'm sticking by them even if your not!

loudnproud added 13:33 - Apr 12
Someone has to listen to the fans....The life and blood ...of this club and act upon it. We may not have football coaching badges,or millions locked away to invest, But we do know what we are seeing on the pitch and being served up grog at over inflated prices for decades...
Die hard supporters who have enjoyed their saturdays out at PR and in doing so have created an atmosphere are voting with their feet and are saying "NO MORE" Change your habits or we will change ours . The message is very clear

Cotton_eyed_joe added 14:17 - Apr 12
'Spirit of 78' so does every person who cant go to every game make them 'not a supporter'. I like a lot of others cannot justify spending £100 every home game for myself and my son to attend Portman Road. In this day and age I have to scrimp and save just to make ends meet and going to watch town is low on my list of things to spend money on. I go when I can afford it (4-5 times a year) and see myself a town supporter. I have had season tickets in the past and supported town for over 35yrs. Just because you can afford to buy a season ticket doesn't mean we all can and it doesn't make you superior to those who cant.

dugoutdave added 16:26 - Apr 12
Jose Mourinho says :
'I am not in position to turn down jobs. I am in a position to analyse, this is April, everything starts in July, every decision is made between May and the start of June,' he told Sky Sports.
'I am not in a position to deny, I am open to any club, national team, but I have to be honest, if possible, a club.

'I would prefer (to stay England). I love the country, the football here, my family is very stable and happy.'

I know a club who could help you ! Problem is we have a stubborn old git here already.


grumpyoldman added 17:00 - Apr 12
Spirit of 78 I started following the blues in 1962, as I live in Lowestoft I had a choice between Norwich and the blues, I attended PR for every home game for a number of years even when unemployed I still got there when I could. Because of working a lot of weekends in the past few seasons I was limited to up to ten a season but willingly paid the money to watch my beloved blues. Even through the bad times of Duncan, Keane & Jewell I still attended more in hope than ecxpectation. But until the dinosaur has gone and hope returns I will not waste a penny on the club. I consider myself a true blue and people like you who pontificate about how because they buy season tickets are the only true supporters make me angry, remember there are all sorts of people who support this club and all of them have the right to call themselves "true blues"

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